We hosted a panel discussion/teach-in concerning Constitutional amendment language related to the Citizens United v. FEC Supreme Court decision, and more broadly, to the dominating power that corporations have in our political and public policy process. The event was held onWednesday evening, January 18, 2012, in room 175 of the University of Oregon Law School. Thanks to the Wayne Morse Center at the University of Oregon School of Law for co-hosting the event.
Panel participants were John Davidson, who teaches constitutional law in political science at UO; Dave Fidanque, executive director of the Oregon ACLU; and Stan Taylor, a lawyer who teaches political science at lane Community College.
We invite you to join our amendment language issues discussion at http://www.wethepeopleeugene.org/amendment-language-issues/.
You can see many versions of proposed amendments at http://www.wethepeopleeugene.org/amendment-language/.
We are currently working on language that you can find at http://www.wethepeopleeugene.org/amendment-wtpe-version/